Special Olympics Tillamook is starting its summer schedule of Bocce training on Saturday April 27th from 11:00am-12:30pm at Coatsville 9th Street Park in Tillamook. The regional tournament will be June 22nd in Beaverton. Any interested athletes – those with an intellectual disability – and partners – those without- who would like to come together to play bocce are strongly encouraged to join us or reach out to email: tillamook@soor.org, or phone: 971.209.3153. Participants age 8 through adulthood are welcome.
A Note About Bocce From the Special Olympics Website: “Bocce is an Italian game. The basic principle of the sport is to roll a bocce ball closest to the target ball, which is called a palina. Bocce as a Special Olympics sport provides people with special needs the opportunity to have social contact, develop physically and to gain self-confidence. Next to soccer and golf, bocce is the third most participated sport in the world.”
More information can be found at soor.org/tillamook.