Tillamook County Public Works has had a busy Summer and will continue to remain busy for some time. Permanent repairs/replacements from the December 2015 Storm damaged structures is ongoing and will
continue to remain a focal point for the next few years.
Currently we are finishing the construction of:
Island Street: Concrete structure (75% FEMA funded)
Harbor Street: Concrete structure (75% FEMA funded)
Washington Street: Concrete structure (County funded)
Grayling Street: Concrete structure (County funded)
Harbor View Drive: Remove and replace a temporary bridge (75% FEMA funded)
Sollie Smith Bridge: Install permanent bridge foundation (75% FEMA funded)
Boulder Creek Road: Remove and replace a bridge (100 % Salmon Super Highway coalition)
South Fork Trask River Bridge (94% Funded)
Ongoing projects:
Cape Meares Loop Road: In design with construction to occur FY 2020-2021 (89.73% FLAP funded)
East Creek Road: Embankment failure in design phase (75% FEMA funded)
Hadley Road: Embankment failure in design phase (75% FEMA funded)
Old Wheeler-Mohler Road: Slide in design phase (75% FEMA funded)
Bayocean Road: Culvert replacement in design phase (89.73% FHWA funded)
Miami Foley Road: Two culvert replacements with two bridges in design phase (89.73% FHWA funded)
Miami Foley Road: New bridge on Peterson Creek in design
Wilson River Loop: Hydrology study to identify a solution to overtopping location (89.73% FHWA funded)
Cedar Creek Bridge: Bridge replacement (94% funded). Delayed from 2018 construction due to funding
limitations (94% ODOT/STIP funded)
Holgate Bridge: Bridge replacement (94% ODOT/STIP funded)
Bear Creek culvert (100% Salmon Super Highway coalition)
Kilchis House: Drainage project – Rescoping with FEMA
Neskowin Trail: Second access (seeking funding)
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents and traveling public for being considerate during
We take pride in serving the public by providing, maintaining, and preserving a safe and efficient county road network, and quickly responding to weather
events and hazards. We protect the public’s investment by working with our partners and targeting resources to minimize long term costs while
providing the best possible service. Please visit www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/pw/default/htm for more information.