Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve is pleased to join with partner organizations to bring you two local events on Saturday, June 8, 2019
Oregon’s Seabirds: Talk & Monitoring Training
Saturday, June 8, 2019
10 am – 12 pm
Cannon Beach City Hall, 163 E Gower Avenue, Cannon Beach
Bird enthusiasts unite! It’s that time of year to begin the important work of monitoring our feathered coastal neighbors. Join us in learning about the three cormorant species that nest on the north coast and how to join efforts to study them. No experience or knowledge necessary. After training is completed, those interested will continue meeting up to weekly throughout the summer to count nests, eggs and babies on cliffs and rocks in the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve. Thanks to our partners, Portland Audubon, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and Haystack Rock Awareness Program.
PLEASE NOTE: June 8 is also the annual Sandcastle Weekend in Cannon Beach. Due to large amounts of vehicles in town, several parking spaces will be reserved for monitoring training participants in front of city hall.
To learn more about this community science project, visit

Saturday, June 8, 2019
7 pm – 9 pm
North County Recreation District, 36155 9th St., Nehalem
“Albatross” is a film by artist Chris Jordan, an internationally acclaimed artist whose work explores contemporary mass culture from multiple perspectives, connecting the viewer viscerally to the enormity and power of humanity’s collective unconscious.
The film is a powerfully moving story about birds on Midway Island in the Pacific whose bodies are filled with ocean plastic. This award winning 97-minute film is offered as a free public artwork. The film will be followed by a panel discussion on ocean plastic pollution. Please arrive early; film will start promptly at 7 pm.
Hosted by Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve and Lower Nehalem Watershed Council, this event will be held in the Schoolhouse Room at North County Recreation District in Nehalem. “Albatross” is an adult film with strong emotional content, so we recommend it for viewers age 12 and above.
To learn more about the film and watch a short trailer, visit
For details on either event, call or email (503).298.5190 or