The Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS (Watershed, Estuary, Beach and Sea) is excited to kick off this summer with our first-ever Matching Gift Challenge! The Charles Becker Foundation has generously offered to match donations received by WEBS between June 15 and September 15.
The Charles A. Becker Foundation was established in 1996 to provide financial support for youth programs of charitable organizations. They help create opportunities where children and young people develop, thrive, and make a positive difference in their lives and for society.
Our goal is to raise a minimum of $10,000 over the summer, but the Foundation will match up to $20,000. “Everyday I’m in awe and thankfulness that I get to live in this beautiful place. Through your donations, WEBS will continue to educate folks about Netarts Bay and how to maintain its
viability for generations to come,” says Shelley Leuth, WEBS board member.
This is the first time WEBS has had a matching grant opportunity. Donations and matching funds will be used to support a number of goals, including:
● Expand our school-age educational programs to reach more Tillamook County students
● Develop quality plant and animal ID guides specific to Netarts Bay area, as well as beach safety guides
● Provide much-needed updates to our mobile science trailer
● Support community stewardship, community science and traditional tribal knowledge programs
● Help keep our team together and our work going by funding our our part time 2-person staff and shared education position
The Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS annually presents and sponsors over 35 free community education programs and offers pre-k through 6 grade and beyond field trips for Tillamook County students as well as several environmental stewardship programs, all centered on the Netarts Bay area. We aim to help students and the public learn about the area, and to enjoy its wonders respectfully and responsibly. WEBS is a nonprofit funded primarily by the Oregon Community Foundation and public donations. The number and variety of WEBS programs has been steadily growing over recent years and we look forward to this matching grant to allow continued growth.
Find out more on our website and by following our Facebook and Instagram pages (@netartsbaywebs).