By Robin Swain
With blue sky on the horizon, volunteers anxiously waited for the rain to pass so they could set up the memorial for our Fallen Veterans. Flowers and table setting were placed around the Veterans Memorial at Ocean Edge wayside in downtown Rockaway Beach.
At 9:30am, Master of Ceremonies Rick Cheek, broadcast the Star-Spangled Banner as the USCG Color Guard Tillamook Bay Station, raised the Flag. Mayor Sue Wilson welcomed everyone with a heartfelt remembrance to our Veterans that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Heads bowed as Pastor Justin McMahan from Living Water Fellowship, delivered the opening prayer.
Mr. Cheek then introduced Nicholas Torres, Veterans Service Officer for Tillamook County. Mr. Torres is an Afghanistan Campaign Veteran. He informed us that 2,500, approximately 10 percent of Tillamook County, consists of veterans. He gave a history of Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day. He then read the names of Tillamook County Veterans who died in the past year (see list of Veterans below). The list was long for such a small county.
Pastor McMahon led the closing prayer for those who gave the ultimate and the families they left behind. He concluded with a verse from Issai:61 followed by a moment of silence. TAPS sounded over The Oceans Edge for those who are gone but not forgotten.
Here is a video of the presentation:
List of Tillamook County Veterans deceased from May, 2021 until May of 2022
Name Branch
Kenneth James Dickey Navy
Keith Allen Pierce Nat’l Guard
Max Hurliman Swiss Military
Walter Franklin Pepper Army
Robert Truman Horton Air Force
Thomas W. Villeneuve Unknown
Theodore Paul Jacob Air Force
Richard Clarence Anderson Navy
Charles Edward Ward Navy
Frank Arthur Martin Coast Guard
Richard Lester Blum Air Force
Bennie L. Anderson Air Force
Richard Peter Kofoed Army
Philip Martin McMahon Air Force/Nat’l Guard
Arthur Raymond Lyon III Coast Guard
Lawrence Arnold Young Army
Robert Louis Zuercher Marine Corps
Raymond Leon Barrett Navy
Leonard Leroy Langley Sr. Army
Joe Noegel Jr. Navy
Sterling Marshall Anderson Army
William Patrick Loughlin Army
Glen Rose Army
Gisela Gerda Quincy Army
Leo Wesley Utterback Army
Carl Edward Burt Marine Corps
Harold John Niederer Air Force
Scott Allen Trant Army
Philip Edward Bourbeau Jr. Coast Guard
Calvin Roy Getty Navy
John Michael Bucklin Air Force
Thomas John Michael Moore Sr. Air Force
George Joseph Hurliman Nat’l Guard/Army Reserves
Don Wray Gibson Air Force
Charles Ernest Curl Sr. Army
Wallace A. Faulhaber Navy
Peter William Dorsett Navy
Francis E. Eaton Sr. Marine Corps
Roy Hubert Peterson Army
Thomas Lorn Edwards Army
Michael Lee Spence Navy
Donny Frank Meyers Unknown
James Walter Allenbrand Army
Johnney Duane Dietrich Army
William Roger Ferdig Army
Robert Leroy Herington Navy
Michael J. Boland Nat’l Guard
Robin Dale Smith Navy
Michael Schmitz Coast Guard
Richard Allen Flory Marine Corps
Kenneth Duane Norman Air Force
Thomas Malcolm Jones Jr. Air Force
Larry Barton Coffelt Army
Bruce Warren Bayley Army
Robert Earl Henry Army
William Dale Buck Army
George Wallace Hayes Navy
Ernest Ray Glover Navy
Larry Alvin Woodworth Navy
James M. Cooper Army
James DeForest Bennett Jr. Navy
Rolland Leonard Dawson Army
Allan Gary Smith Army
Mack R. Hunt Army
Robert Everitt Mickey Army
Frank William Hutchins Navy
Buddy Ball Marine Corps
Ronald Randolph Navy
Jeffry Jay Hunter Unknown
Robert John Mekkers Army