Today, Tillamook County Commissioners declared May 16th as Wear Green Mental Health Action Day, and declared May as Mental Health Awareness Month. This Thursday May 16th is Mental Health Action Day and the Tillamook County Suicide Prevention Coalition has spearheaded these action, to participate and show our support for mental health awareness by making it Wear Green Day here in Tillamook County! So have some fun, put on your brightest and boldest green, and then snap a photo and share it on social media using the hashtag #WearGreenTillamook. Also be sure to like, follow, and share our social media pages, we are on Instagram too as @tillcosuicideprevention. We will be monitoring the hashtag and there will be a prize for whoever shows up dressed the best in green!
And don’t forget, Friday the 17th is our final HOPE Fest event from 3-8pm at TBCC. We will have a resource fair with lots of great swag to give away, a QPR Gatekeeper training (preregistration required), and a Survivor Storytelling (will not be open mic, must register to share your story). We will also have some other fun things going on during the event. The first 50 folks to RSVP will have dinner provided to them at the event, Garibaldi Portside Bistro is doing the catering.
To RSVP, preregister for the QPR training or sign up to share your story, email Can’t wait to see you there!