By Laura Swanson, editor, Tillamook County Pioneer
A firefighter’s worst nightmare — a fire station on fire. Nehalem Bay Fire and Rescue experienced that tragedy early this morning August 13th. The fire was called in at approximately 2:30 a.m. by a worker at a nearby farm, and Chief Perry Sherbaugh called a second alarm which brought in reinforcements from Rockaway Beach and Cannon Beach.
The equipment inside the auxiliary station — a tender/pumper and 1996 engine were destroyed. It will remain to be seen if the building is a total loss or if it can be saved. The building and equipment are insured, but the shock, sadness and disbelief on the faces of firefighters said it all — this hits too close to home.
The cause of the fire is unknown at this time, and under investigation. The State Fire Marshal investigators were on scene this morning, and the Pioneer will provide additional information as soon as it becomes available.