(Wheeler) – Anupam Narayan of Manzanita has been appointed to the board of the Nehalem Bay Health District. Narayan replaces Tom Mock of Neahkahnie, a long-time board member who recently submitted his resignation.
Narayan has more than 35 year of business experience, including serving as President and Chief Executive Officer of Red Lion Hotels Corporation, and as Senior Vice President for Global Strategy and Action CEO of Best Western International. In 2010, Narayan founded Rockwood Associates LLC, a global hospitality and business advisory firm.
Narayan is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India and received his MBA from the University of Florida.
“The Nehalem Bay Health District is extremely fortunate to have Anupam Narayan join our board,” said board president Marc C. Johnson. “He brings enormous financial and development experience at a time when the board is working to implement its long-term strategic plan, including improvements in the district’s skilled nursing facility, enhancement in local primary health care delivery and the exploration of workforce housing options.”
Mock submitted his resignation in November with, as he said, “a twinge of guilt because I support the direction the Health District is pursuing 120%. However, to achieve the goals that the Health District has established means finding new board members on occasion with skill sets that can enhance your chances of achieving those goals. I’ve totally enjoyed the last several years with the district and my twinge of guilt has vanished since I believe you’ve found a replacement that can contribute greatly to the course the district is on.”
Johnson said the entire board appreciates Mock’s service: “Tom has always been a great colleague and a very engaged board member. We will miss him but are extremely thankful for his service and for his pledge to keep engaged as we move forward.”
The health district operates the Nehalem Valley Care Center, owns the building occupied by the Rinehart Clinic and also houses the North County Food Bank facility.