SALEM – Oregonians are invited to help shape the future of Oregon’s transportation system. How can you weigh in? Give us feedback as we update the long-term Oregon Transportation Plan. An online open house is taking input through Jan. 24 in this first of several outreach opportunities over the next 12-18 months.
Why is this plan important? Our transportation system provides access to jobs, healthcare, childcare, food, housing, recreation and leisure activities, and it plays a critical role in a healthy economy. The Oregon Transportation Plan, or OTP, sets the long-term transportation policy for the whole state. Updating the OTP will result in a plan that can adapt to the variables we experience over time, such as climate change, social equity concerns, Oregon’s growing population, new technologies and more. The plan will also provide guidance for the state’s other transportation plans, including near-term action documents such as ODOT’s Strategic Action Plan.
We invite all Oregonians to learn more about the plan by visiting the online open house and watching the project video.