By Kathryn Harmon, NKN Robotics Coach & Library Media Specialist
NKN Middle/High School
Neah-Kah-Nie High School robotics team the Argonauts have qualified to go directly to the state competition on March 9 and 10. This is the first NKN team to do so in 5 years. They won the Innovate award for their unique robot intake design, the “Gecko Grabber.” The Menacing Muffin Dragons received an invitation to the Second Chance Tournament in Philomath on Feb. 16th and 17th. The World’s smallest Team received two exemplary marks on their presentation to the judges, and ended in 11th place out of 18 teams. All three teams were some of the smallest in the competition – and still held their own. All of the coaches and mentors were very proud of their accomplishments.

It was a joy to watch Michael’s (MMD) autonomous program with vision sensing work consistently throughout the competition! Alex (TWST) and Josiah (MMD) are amazing at driving under pressure – they never lose their cool even when things get difficult.