By Jerry Keene, Editor, The Oceansider
As promised in last week’s Oceansider, we requested an interview with newly elected County Commissioner Paul Fournier to explore his reported interest in constructing a TLT-funded paid-parking structure in Oceans
ide. Fournier promptly responded with a letter offering more “context” for his comments. He explained that this and other possible initiatives reflect an effort to address needs and concerns identified by residents in town halls and surveys while also attempting to capture “some of the hundreds of millions of dollars that pass through Tillamook County in the pockets of day visitors.” For communities like Oceanside, Nedonna Beach, Neskowin and Pacific City, Fournier stated, “The idea was to identify potential areas outside the village proper that could serve as a parking area and/or Tsunami vertical evacuation or assembly area.”

Here is a link to the entire letter from the Commissioner.
Authorities Close Short Beach Due to Severe Erosion and Rockfall
(But People are Walking There Anyway)
(But People are Walking There Anyway)
Massive chunks of rock split off and began falling from the cliffs overlooking Short Beach last night. This prompted county, state and local officials to issue a joint announcement c
losing it to the public due to an “active landslide.” Radar Road resident Chris Grant can see the area from his back deck. He reported this morning that the affected area was “active all night” as he watched it “calve like a glacier … epic thunder!” Notwithstanding the risk, observers today reported that people had already torn off sections of the hazard tape blocking the access stairs and were walking among the felled boulders directly under the destabilized cliffside. When informed of this, Netarts-Oceanside Fire Chief Jeff McBrayer called The Oceansider to warn that District first responders may not be able to access the area if persons disregarding the warnings are injured. Below are some pictures (photo credits to Oceansiders Rob Hoeper and Chris Grant).

Before and After Pictures of Cliffside
February 1 Oceanside Neighborhood Association Regular Meeting
Oceanside Community Hall – 10-11:30 a.m.
Attend in person or by Zoom
February 3 Oceanside Community Club Potluck – 6 p.m.
Oceanside Community Hall
And that’s the view from Oceanside!