Weekly Data (Friday April 9th – Thursday April 15th , 2021):
- 19 new confirmed cases (17 positive & 2 presumptive)
- 35 being monitored (cases/contacts).
- 1 currently hospitalized -out of the area
- 1 COVID-19 related deaths (this week)
- 7.8% avg. test positivity rate
Accumulative Data:
- 579 total cases
- 13,859 negative tests (OHA)
- 25 hospitalized
- 3 COVID-19 related deaths
COVID-19 Cases and Risk Level:
“Warning Week” data from Oregon Health Authority published earlier this week showed Tillamook County with 67 cases from Sunday 03/28/21 – Saturday 04/10/21 and test positivity rate of 7.8%.
With the new disease metrics, Tillamook County is projected to remain in “High Risk” for the next movement period, as the statewide metric of COVID-19 positive patients occupying 300 hospital beds or more and a 15% increase in the seven-day average over the past week was not met during “Warning Week”.
Cases from the most current two-week period (Sunday 04/04/21 – Saturday 04/17/21) will be used to determine our final risk status.
OHA will review the data and risk level assignments will be made on Tuesday 4/20/21 and take effect Friday 4/23/21 – Thursday 05/06/21.
Visit the Office of the Governor’s webpage: https://coronavirus.oregon.gov/Pages/guidance.aspx for risk level guidance information.
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the Tillamook County Public Health Department was notified of the 3rd Tillamook County resident to have died from the disease, COVID-19. The individual was a 66-year-old woman in Tillamook County who tested positive on March 17 and died on April 13 at Oregon Health & Science University Hospital. She had no underlying conditions. No other information is available at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.
The risk posed by COVID-19 is real and the recent case increases in the county and in the state show that the virus is still present in our communities. Please take caution for yourself and others and practice public health safety guidelines for COVID-19:
- Maintain 6ft of distance from those not in your immediate household,
- Wear a mask properly (over your mouth and nose),
- And wash your hands frequently.
If you are feeling ill, stay home and if you need COVID-19 testing, it is available to you at no cost. Appointments are needed for testing call: 503-842-3900.
733 primary (1st) doses +917 boosters (2nd dose) this week.
Total amounts:
- 9,893 people received at least 1 dose vaccinated; 32% of Tillamook County residents,
- 5,858 fully vaccinated (done with 2-dose series); 16% of Tillamook County residents.
- 4,035 in progress (scheduled for 2nd)
Following the CDC and FDA announcement this morning, out of an abundance of caution we are halting the use of Johnson and Johnson (J&J) vaccine in Tillamook County. The CDC and FDA are reviewing six cases (out of more than 6.8 million doses of J&J that have been administered) of a severe and rare type of blood clot in individuals after vaccination with the J&J vaccine. Until updated guidance is received, we will not offer J&J in Tillamook County vaccine clinics including the Frontline Worker event this Saturday 4/17/21.
The vaccine event tomorrow, Saturday 4/17/21 is still occurring using the Moderna vaccine. The Moderna vaccine does require a second dose (booster); the booster will be scheduled when the individual arrives for the first dose. 330 people are scheduled and appointments are still available; we encourage all who are eligible to book an appointment and get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. Visit our website: tillamookchc.org to access the Tillamook County vaccine scheduling tool.
This Monday April 19th all Oregonians aged 16 years old and older will be eligible. At this time Tillamook County only has the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine which is authorized for those 18 years old and older. We are working with Adventist Health Tillamook, OHA, and the Tillamook County school districts to have the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine available in Tillamook County for those 16 and 17 years old who would like a COVID-19 vaccine. More information to come in future weeks.
Reminder: our staff remains available to answer questions and assist those with limited or no internet access to book an appointment. The vaccine line can be reached by calling: 503-842-3914. Staffed Monday- Friday 8am -5pm with bilingual (English and Spanish) staff.
See all who is eligible here:https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le3527A.pdf
COVID-19 is a highly infectious illness that spreads like the flu. Local and state health officials continue to urge all Oregonians to take steps to protect those who are most vulnerable to complications from COVID-19. Those considered “high risk” include adults 60 and older, or anyone with a serious health condition, including lung or heart problems, kidney disease, or diabetes, or anyone who has a suppressed immune system.
To help control the spread of the illness the public is urged to stay home as much as possible and avoid gatherings.
We ask all county residents to continue to take the necessary precautions and follow current public health guidance to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus:
- Follow guidance on face coverings.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Keep 6 ft of distance from those not in your immediate household.
- Stay home if you feel ill.

About Tillamook County Community Health Centers:
TCCHC has been a Federally Qualified Health Center since 1994, providing medical, dental, behavioral and public health services.
Follow our Facebook @TillamookCHC for daily updates.
Additional Resources:
Oregon Health Authority COVID-19 Information: http://healthoregon.org/coronavirus
CDC COVID-19 Information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html