Let’s start this warm (possibly the warmest day of the summer so far) day with a garden tour! The Tillamook County Pioneer is proud to partner with the Tillamook County Master Gardeners Association to present the 2020 VIRTUAL Garden Tour. One of the many events “planned” for 2020 the TCMGA Garden Tour is held every other year, and usually features self-guided tours through a variety of local gardens, and proceeds benefit the TCMGA’s Scholarship fund. Since gatherings are limited, the Pioneer is bringing the gardens to you … we hope you enjoy these tours and if you would like to donate to the TCMGA’s Scholarship fund, please send checks to 4506 3rd Street, Tillamook, OR 97141, or go to https://tillamookmastergardeners.com/home/
Here is some background information about Tim Miller’s and Sandra Richardson’s garden in Wheeler, including a plant list of some of the plants featured in the video. If you have questions or would like more information, contact tillamookmastergardener@gmail.com.
By Tim Miller & Sandra Richardson
We took possession of our Wheeler home in September 2016 and began gardening in 2017 putting in a vegetable garden and the driftwood retaining walls and Salmon fence.
The lot is 100′ x 100′ and consists of 2 levels. The lower level is mostly native grasses, heal-all, clover, English Daisies, etc.
I usually do not mow during July and August as the lawn becomes a pollinator heaven. Later in August when most of the plants have gone to seed and dried out, it becomes much easier to mow. This is a pattern I have repeated several years now. I really like seeing all the native bees.
I keep the broadleaf weeds at bay with a weed popper. The lower level also has fruit trees, my cold frame, vegetable garden, 2 perennial flower beds and blueberry plants.
The upper space is where I have container gardens, a fish pond and patio space.
***Large Perennial bed (all deer resistant)***
-Rudbeckia Fulgida-“Black Eyed Susan ”
-Columbine Aquilegia
-Agastache-“Blue Fortune”
-Jerusalem Sage
-Cornflower-“Green Twister”
-Cornflower-“Double decker”
-Cornflower-“Pow Wow Wild Berry”
-Cupids Dart-Catananche Caerulea
-Kniphofia-“Lemon Popsicle”
-Kniphofia-“Mango Popsicle”
-Kniphofia-“Papaya Popsicle”
-Armeria Maritima
-Blue Orb Campanula
-Red Rocks Penstemon
-Cha Cha Hot Pink Penstemon
-Ruby Candle Penstemon
-Oregon Iris
***Red Sculpture Flower Bed***
(All deer resistant)
-Endurascape Red Verbena
-Forest Fire Salvia
-Kniphofia-“Redhot Popsicle”
-Scrophularia Macrantha-“Red Birds in a Tree”
-Lobelia-“Queen Victoria”
-Monardella-“Coyote Mint”
-Double Scoop Raspberry Echinacea
-Sombrero Salsa Echinacea
-Double Cranberry Echinacea
***Cactus Garden***
-Opuntia Microdasy-Montrose Bunny Cactus
-Sunburst Opuntia
-Opuntia Coombe’s Winter Glow
-Staghorn Cotyledon
***Carnivorous Plants***
-Darlingtonia Californica (Oregon’s only native carnivorous plant)