Wednesday, June 13, 2018
The meeting will be held at the Pine Grove Community House
located at 225 Laneda Avenue, Manzanita, Oregon 97130.
The Tillamook People’s Utility District Board of Directors will conduct the following meeting on Wednesday, June 13, 2018:
• 6:00 p.m. – Regular Board Meeting
Action items include: Approve the Manzanita Franchise Agreement; authorize staff to issue the Notice of Intent to Award and the General Manager to sign the contract for the 2018 Pole Inspection and Treatment Contract to Pacific Pole Inspection for a total evaluated cost of $157,040.00; approve Resolution 18-05-02 “Resolution Approving and Adopting the 2018-2021 4-Year Construction Work Plan for Tillamook People’s Utility District”; approve the revised Policy Bulletin 2-01 “Deposits in Financial Institutions”; approve Resolution No. 18-05-03 “Authorization to Transfer Working Funds”; approve write-off of Reimbursable Work Order; approve Workers Compensation Insurance; and any other matters that may come before the Board.
Those who require special accommodations should contact the PUD at 800-422-2535 or 503-842-2535.
** Revision will be italicized