By Laura Swanson
Everything Estuary … Neal Lemery’s poem was inspiration for the idea that we all experience Estuary Moments – we are so lucky to live here and get to see the many moods of the many bays and waterways. Share them with Pioneer readers during National Estuary Week!
Tillamook County truly is the “Bounty of the Bays” with five estuaries in the area – from Nehalem Bay to the north, the second largest bay in the state of Oregon, Tillamook Bay, Netarts Bay, Sand Lake Estuary and Nestucca Bay there is much for the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership (TEP) to oversee, research, protect and educate about. From water monitoring programs to a native plant nursery, field trips for schools and Explore Nature outings for the public TEP enriches our lives in many ways. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been featuring each of the bays.
Neal Lemery got into the “estuary” spirit with his poem “Estuary Moment” with photos. Our bays and estuaries provide a scenic backdrop and mood lifting hiking experiences as well as sustenance and food for our tables. Share your “Estuary Moments” with us during National Estuary Week – and watch for more photo features and information about the unique aquatic environment that surrounds us – email your photos, videos, poems, essays, artwork or any inspirations that come from our bays and estuaries. Let’s all celebrate the Bounty of our Bays and experience estuary moments.

During National Estuary Week, TEP’s premier fundraising event the Bounty on the Bay has gone virtual with an online auction – click here to check out all the amazing items up for bid to support TEP’s many programs.
Here are links to the get to know your bays series:
For more about TEP’s programs: