From John Rogan, Tillamook During the 2014 and 2016 elections the Koch Brothers poured millions of dollars into Wisconsin. Their money was well rewarded. Not only did they get Scott Walker as…
Category: Letters to the Editor
OP/ED: The science is clear: If we do nothing to address climate change …
We Oregonians want to be safe from devastating wildfires like the ones that are burning now. The science is clear: If we do nothing to address climate change, disasters like these will…
Support for Debbie Boothe-Schmidt for State Rep. for House District 32
Hello, my name is Nicholas Bowling and I am writing to tell you why I will be voting Debbie Boothe-Schmidt for State Representative of House District 32. As a registered nurse, living…
Putin’s devious plan
In the 1960’s Nikita Khrushchev famously boasted that Russia would destroy America. He even tried, but failed, to place Russian nuclear rockets in Cuba. But in the end his ambitions came to…
Commissioners: Please close all County beaches to vehicle access
On Aug 26, the Board of Commissioners unanimously decided to reopen the Tierra Del Mar beach to vehicle access. Without adequate planning or resources for enforcement support, the reopening has resulted in…
Our Future Depends on the Best Representatives — For House District 32 that’s Debbie Booth-Schmidt
We are in the grips of one of the worst economic collapses this country has experienced, a crisis of a magnitude many of us have not experienced in our lifetimes. How will…
Eradicate Socialism – the Republican Plan
A clear 2020 election strategy of the Republican Party is the promise to rid America of all forms of socialism. It claims that socialism leads to communism, and hence must be rooted…
Talking Trash – A Letter to Visitors
Dear visitors, I am the coordinator at the Manzanita Visitors Center. I love my job for many reasons, chief of which is that I get to interact with travelers from everywhere around…
A Call to Action to Tillamook County Commissioners
By LaNicia Duke, The Love Coalition I want to thank you for acknowledging the national conversation surrounding Black Lives Matter and the “tragic deaths of black citizens in other parts of the…
Words Matter: Rockaway Beach Mayor Social Media Comments Racially Insensitive
A popular refrain being used by white residents of Tillamook County in response to systemic racism is that the issue is important, but it is not something we have to deal with…